Ever since I've started blogging, I've realised what a good medium it has been in allowing me to express my thoughts, views, opinions as well as generally rant. At the same time however, it has led me to think about the good old fashioned form of expression; via the pen and paper.
"All good writers begin with a good leather binding and a respectable title" a quote from Finding Neverland has always remained engraved in my mind. One now wonders if the leather bindings are even present today? Why write when you can type? "The pen is mightier than the sword" has been tweaked along the lines of "the keyboard is mightier than the gun". Once, while contemplating on resurrecting this lost form of expression, i attempted writing during the course of a flight journey. Sadly, I could not go beyond a few lines. It made me ponder about my increased dependence on technology as well as how illegible my handwriting had become.
At this point, i would like to clarify that I as well as everyone else is deeply indebted to technology and the new frontiers and possibilities that have opened up for us. Online blogs, journals, diaries and what-have-you, have given the opportunity to many to open up, express their views in the world wide web. It has gone beyond regular ranting, to political,societal commentaries, recipes, blog shops etcetera.
However, it brings us to the subject of privacy. What once stayed within the safety net of leather bind and pillowcase covers is now literally an open book. With pseudonyms, third person terminologies, anything and everything can be put up for people to read. So much for the "Dear diary, today Eric kissed me and held my hand" days which only the author had the privilege to read. Having said that, one has to be careful about what he/she says pertaining to sensitive issues, politics, key icons, etcetera especially in controlled environments.
It is certainly a welcome change, one where more and more individuals are expressing themselves and giving opportunities to many others to read their expressions. While all of us bloggers/online writers seem bent on somewhat protecting our identities, we are much more open about our thoughts. However, once in a while, i yearn, for a nice thick journal, the scent of new paper, fresh ink and being completely lost in thought, while i write away.
In conclusion, i embrace technology and i enjoy blogging. But, i'm considering taking out the pen and paper once in a while and seeing where creativity takes me. I suggest all of you out there do it too. After all, we do not want to forget our roots ;).