A friend's post actually triggered me to write on this particular topic.
Passion, often an overused word in every given context. What truly does the word passion mean?
Merriem-Webster defines it as intense, driving, or overmastering feeling of conviction, a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.
Based on this definition, i see few such activities/objects in my personal life that i've displayed such passion and conviction towards. You might be thinking, "I feel sorry for her." But think about it, do you actully have a passion for many of the things you do, for certain activities, or a certain cause in your daily life. Majority of us, lead pretty ordinary lives, doing the normal stuff, often not even enjoying some of the activities we have to do, so where's the question of passion?
I envy those, like my friend, who end up doing something which they are passionate about or have interests/hobbies in their life which they are truly passionate about. Ofcourse, this does not mean, what, us "unpassionate" people do is completely worthless or useless. Nor does it mean that every single one of us out there have to be truly passionate about something. The truth of the matter is, passion is more of a self-discovery process, as I've come to realise. No one can force it upon you. Nor does the repeated usage of the word make you a passionate person. You might get momentary adrenaline rushes and subsequently if you fall upon a cause/activity/object you're truly passionate about , good on ya, because there starts your journey. If you dont't manage to discover anything you're truly passionate about, then the fire dies and you go on with life. At this point, I would like to make the distinction between passion, interest, likes and similar words which DO not actually imply the same feeling. The intensity and implications are quite different with mild words such as "like" starting at the bottom of the ladder, moving on to "interest", then higher intensity words like "desire" and way up the top where the king(or queen) of all these words sits; PASSION.
Passion is like an undying flame while all our interests/likes/desires are like torch lights with momentary brightness which gets turned on and off as and when. Till we find (or never find) that undying flame, let us enjoy our torchlight moments and not get completely obsessed with discovering where our true passion lies. For all those people out there with passion, conviction and commitment towards your work or a cause or an activity, keep the flame burning and continue to inspire the rest of us.