One of the key lessons you learn in life, the grow up and be an adult one, is by far one of the toughest lessons which even so called "adults" have yet to master. What is it about the dreaded A word that frightens you to the point where you're willing to acknowledge that inner child in you which you chose to ignore while breaking curfews, getting tattoos, planning random exotic escapades, attempting to make life altering decisions, etc. Responsibility, the natural association with the word adult often puts man into this state of panic. "With great power comes great responsibility" ? It seems way cooler in Spiderman than in reality.The thing about adulthood is it seems like a constant learning journey. I don't think there is any particular time period or age that you could mark out as the time you would become a full fledged adult. And its apparently a steep learning curve, so as you progress up, mistakes are not as easily forgiven or taken lightly.
But can we escape this? Possibly not.
Because escaping it or denying it is just not an "adult" thing to do.