Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sales are bad, especially when you're broke and despite that you still spend.
The sexy pair of heels, that awesome pair of pants, a really nice bag..

Now, this is not easy ok.Conflict management experts will definitely agree that this is a conflict of interest between several parties, the heart,the mind,the hand.
The heart wants it, the mind tries to deny it with pragmatisim,practicality, etc (for eg. weight! ) Now, the hand is a real bitch i tell ya. It plays both sides (no fair!!) but ultimately chooses the winning side.

So, who do you listen to then?? Well, if you have some extra bucks burning a hole in your pocket, go ahead spend it.Or, maybe you're a pragmatic human being who would rather stuff Mr Piggy than your closet. That's fine too.

Eventually, you shouldn't feel regret.Then you know you've made the right choice.

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